
[rʌn] ( pt ran, pp run, cont running )
1. [on foot]   corsa f
 to go for a run   andare a fare una corsa
 to be on the run   essere evaso ( f evasa)
 to make a run for it   scappare
2. [in car - for pleasure]   giro m
[ - journey]   viaggio m
3. [series]   serie f inv
 a run of good luck   un periodo fortunato
 the play had an eight-week run   la commedia ha tenuto il cartellone per otto settimane
5. [great demand]
 run on sthg   corsa f all'acquisto di qc
6. [in tights]   smagliatura f
7. [in cricket, baseball]   punto m
8. [sports track]   pista f
9. [term, period]
 in the short/long run   a breve/lungo termine



[rʌn] ( pt ran, pp run, cont running )
transitive verb Konjugation
1. [on foot]   correre
2. [manage, control - business, organization]   dirigere
[ - event, course, life]   organizzare
3. [machine]   far funzionare
[tape, film]   far partire
[computer program]   usare
[experiment]   fare
4. [car]   avere
5. [water]   far scorrere
[tap]   aprire
 to run a bath   riempire la vasca
6. [publish]   pubblicare
7. (inf) [take in car]   portare
8. [move, pass]
 to run sthg along/over sthg   passare qc su qc
 to run one's eye over sthg   dare una scorsa a qc



[rʌn] ( pt ran, pp run, cont running )
intransitive verb Konjugation
1. [gen]   correre
 to run for it   scappare
2. [in election]
 to run (for sthg)   candidarsi (a qc)
3. [progress, develop]   andare
4. [factory, machine]   essere in funzione
[engine]   essere acceso ( f accesa)
 to run on sthg   andare a qc
 to run off sthg   essere alimentato ( f alimentata) a qc
5. [bus]   passare
 how often does the train run from here?   ogni quanto c'è un treno da qui?
 to be running late   essere in ritardo
6. [liquid, river]   scorrere
 to run dry [river, well]   prosciugarsi
[tank]   svuotarsi
7. [nose]   colare
[tap]   essere aperto ( f aperta)
[eyes]   lacrimare
[sore]   spurgare
8. [colour, dye]   stingere
[ink]   sbavare
9. [continue - contract]   essere valido ( f valida)
[ - play]   tenere il cartellone
 feelings are running high   gli animi sono accesi


run about

intransitive verb Konjugation
→ run around


run across

transitive verb inseparable Konjugation
[meet]   imbattersi in


run along

intransitive verb Konjugation
 run along now!   andate adesso!


run around

intransitive verb Konjugation
1. [from place to place]   correre qua e là
2. [associate]
 to run around (with sb)   andare in giro (con qn)


run away

intransitive verb Konjugation
1. [flee]   scappare
 to run away from sb/sthg   scappare da qn/qc
 to run away from home   scappare di casa
2. (fig) [avoid]
 to run away from sthg [responsibility]   sottrarsi a qc
[subject]   evitare qc


run away with

transitive verb inseparable
[gain control of]   travolgere


run down

transitive verb separable Konjugation
1. [in vehicle]   investire
2. [criticize]   stroncare
3. (UK) [allow to decline]   ridimensionare


run down

intransitive verb Konjugation
1. [clock, battery]   scaricarsi
2. (UK) [activity, business]   cessare gradualmente


run in

transitive verb separable Konjugation
[car]   rodare


run into

transitive verb inseparable Konjugation
1. [encounter - problem]   incontrare
[ - person]   imbattersi in
 to run into debt   trovarsi pieno ( f piena) or coperto ( f coperta) di debiti
2. [in vehicle]   andare a sbattere contro
3. [amount to]   ammontare a


run off

transitive verb separable Konjugation
[copy]   fare


run off

intransitive verb Konjugation
[abscond, elope]
 to run off (with sb)   scappare (con qn)
 to run off (with sthg)   scappare (portandosi via qc)


run on

intransitive verb Konjugation
[continue]   protrarsi


run out

intransitive verb Konjugation
1. [supplies, time, money]   esaurirsi
2. [licence, permission, contract]   scadere


run out of

transitive verb inseparable Konjugation
[supplies, time, money]   esaurire
 we've run out of petrol   siamo rimasti senza benzina


run over

transitive verb separable Konjugation
[knock down]   investire


run through

transitive verb inseparable Konjugation
1. [spread through]   permeare
2. [practise - performance]   provare
[ - speech]   ripetere
3. [read through]   leggere velocemente


run to

transitive verb inseparable Konjugation
1. [amount to]   ammontare a
2. [afford - subj: budget]   bastare per
[ - subj: person]   permettersi


run up

transitive verb inseparable Konjugation
[amass]   accumulare


run up against

transitive verb inseparable Konjugation

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