[bɜ:n] ( pt & pp burned or burnt )transitive verb Konjugation
1. | [destroy by fire] bruciare, incendiare |
2. | [overcook, use as fuel] bruciare |
3. | [injure - gen]
scottare, bruciare [ - more seriously] ustionare to burn o.s. [gen] scottarsi, bruciarsi [more seriously] ustionarsi |
[bɜ:n] ( pt & pp burned or burnt )intransitive verb Konjugation
1. | [gen] bruciare |
2. | [give out light, heat] essere acceso ( f accesa) |
3. | [become sunburned] scottarsi |
4. | [feel strong emotion]
to burn with anger/desire ardere di rabbia/desiderio |
[bɜ:n] ( pt & pp burned or burnt )noun
1. | [wound, injury - gen]
scottatura f,
bruciatura f
[ - more serious] ustione f |
2. | [mark] bruciatura f |
burn down
transitive verb separable & intransitive verb Konjugation
[be destroyed by fire] bruciare completamente
[burn less brightly] estinguersi
burn out
transitive verb separable Konjugation
to burn o.s. out logorarsi
burn out
intransitive verb Konjugation
[die down] spegnersi
burn up
transitive verb separable Konjugation
[use up] bruciare
burn up
intransitive verb Konjugation
[be destroyed by fire, heat] incendiarsi