Traduction de baking baking [ˈbeɪkɪŋ]noun [process] cuisson f (au four) [bread] pain m [pastry] pâtisserie f, pâtisseries fpl baking [ˈbeɪkɪŋ]adjective [for cooking] baking potatoes pommes fpl de terre à cuire au four baking dish plat m allant au four baking tray plaque f de four [hot - pavement, sun] brûlant [ - day, weather] torride baking [ˈbeɪkɪŋ]adverb a baking hot afternoon un après-midi torride
Traduction de baking baking [ˈbeɪkɪŋ]noun [process] cuisson f (au four) [bread] pain m [pastry] pâtisserie f, pâtisseries fpl baking [ˈbeɪkɪŋ]adjective [for cooking] baking potatoes pommes fpl de terre à cuire au four baking dish plat m allant au four baking tray plaque f de four [hot - pavement, sun] brûlant [ - day, weather] torride baking [ˈbeɪkɪŋ]adverb a baking hot afternoon un après-midi torride
Complétez la séquence avec la proposition qui convient. Tonight my parents are inviting …. the Thompsons the family Thompson the Thompson