transitives Verb Konjugation
1. | [Garten, Park, Beet]
Konjugation to lay out
[Straße] Konjugation to plan |
2. | [Kartei, Sammlung] Konjugation to start |
3. | [Vorrat] to lay in |
4. | [beabsichtigen]
es darauf anlegen, etw zu tun to be determined to do sthg |
5. | [Geld] Konjugation to invest |
6. | [anlehnen]
etw (an etw (A) ) anlegen to lay sthg (on sthg) |
7. | [umbinden] Konjugation to put on |
8. | [Subj: Tier]
to lay back
die Ohren anlegen to lay back its ears |
9. | [Waffe] to raise to one's shoulder |
10. | (geh)
[anziehen - Geschmeide]
Konjugation to put on
Trauer anlegen to go into mourning |
intransitives Verb Konjugation
1. | [Schiff] Konjugation to dock |
2. | [mit Gewehr]
auf jn/etw anlegen to aim at sb/sthg |
sich anlegen
reflexives Verb
sich mit jm anlegen to pick a fight with sb